Wednesday 2 November 2022

At least 128 people forcibly disappeared last month, says commission

As many as 128 more cases of enforced disappearance were reported last month, the Commission of Inquiry on Enforced Disappearances stated in its monthly report for October on Wednesday. According to the report, the bodies of three people, believed to have been forcibly disappeared, were recovered from different parts of the country. The commission in its report said that during October 2022, it received some 128 cases of people forcibly disappeared. It noted that until September, the commission had received a total of 8,907 cases of enforced disappearances. With October’s tally, the lifetime cases received rose to 9,035 cases. Of these, the commission said that thus far, it had disposed of 6,825 cases with some 2,210 cases still pending. In October, the commission said that it had heard some 758 cases and disposed of 135 cases. Providing a breakup of the ‘solved’ cases, it said that 118 cases were traced resulting in 113 people returning home. Two were found in captivity, one each in internment centers and jail respectively. Another three missing people were found dead. Around 17 cases were deleted from the commission’s records after it was discovered that they were not cases of enforced disappearances. Most of the cases heard in October were in Karachi where 299 cases were heard. In Quetta, the commission heard 240 cases while in Islamabad, it heard 199 cases. In Lahore, the commission only heard 20 cases.

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