Saturday 19 November 2022

World Bank to send Pakistan’s objections on Kishenganga, Ratle Hydroelectric project to arbiter

The World Bank will hand over on Monday documents and designs relating to the Kishenganga and Ratle Hydroelectric power projects being built by India to the Court of Arbitration (COA) and neutral experts. In this regards, a Pakistani delegation consisting of the Water Resources secretary , the Indus Water Commissioner and other relevant experts are expected to depart for Washington today. The Indian delegation will also be present for the handover of documents, design and objections. In 2016, Pakistan had approached the World Bank with objections over the design of the two run-of-river dams being built by India. Islamabad had contended that once completed per current designs the dams would significantly impact the downstream flow of water in Pakistani rivers. The process took around five years, but the World Bank has finally decided to hand over documents to the COA in October 2021 where India has proposed to solve the matter through mutual consensus. But Pakistan rejected the proposal due to the poor track record of India. It is pertinent to mention here that India plans to build a 330 Megawatts (MW) Kishenganga Dam on the Jhelum River with a capacity to store 0.7 million cubic meters of water. The other project, dual purpose Ratle dam and hydroelectric project having potential to generate 850 MW of electricity is being constructed on the River Chenab. This dam has a potential to store 1.4 million cubic meters of water. However, Pakistan raised objection on this matter that water storage capacity of these dams must not be more than 100,000 cubic meters as the designs of dams will impact the flow of water in rivers of Pakistan.

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