Wednesday 9 November 2022

Suspended Lahore CCPO Dogar in the race for new Punjab Police IG

Punjab Chief Minister Parvez Elahi has finalized three names - including suspended Lahore CCPO Ghulam Mahmood Dogar - for the vacant key post of Punjab Inspector General (IG) after Faisal Shahkar’s resignation. The three names shortlisted include Fayyaz Ahmed Dev, Aamir Zulfiqar and Ghulam Mahmood Dogar - who is considered ‘loyal’ to PML-Q and PTI. Notably, Dogar was suspended by the federal government for violation of discipline. He approached the Lahore High Court (LHC) against the suspension but to no avail. Earlier on November 5, PTI leadership had decided to remove Punjab Police IG Faisal Shahkar. Sources said that the top leadership of the party had cast doubt on IG’s role after recent development in the wake of Wazirabad attack on PTI Chairman Imran Khan. Imran Khan had expressed displeasure with the Punjab IG for delays in registering FIR. However, Faisal Shahkar resigned before he could be sacked. Now, Punjab CM’s principal secretary has written a letter to the federal government for the new appointment on the key post. The provincial government has asked the federal government to appoint one of the nominees.

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